
Dr Vijay Singh Thakur


  • An expert on Apple and Horticulture Value chain.

  • Past

  • Ex-Vice Chancellor, Dr. YS Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan in 2013-2016.
  • An expert on temperate fruits, diseases and pest management, completed research work on 32 research projects funded internationally and nationally.
  • Prepared and implemented Horticulture Development Project under World Bank for the state Himachal Pradesh.
  • Handled Apple scab disease management in Himachal Pradesh.
  • Chairman, ICAR Board Subject Matter Area (BSMA) Committee for Horticulture i.e. 12th September, 2018.
  • Visiting scientist to Horticulture Research International, UK, Institute for Plant Protection of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, , Federal Centre for Breeding Research on Cultivated Plants, Germany, New York State Agricultural Experimental Station, USA, Northwest Sci-Tech University of Agriculture & Forestry, China.

  • Professional Experience

  • An expert on temperate fruits, diseases and pest management, completed research work on 32 research projects funded internationally and nationally.
  • Specialized in research on epidemiology, weather monitoring & disease forecasting methods, pesticides mode of action and application.
  • Significant achievements in production of quality planting material of commercially important temperate fruits, medicinal plants, and floriculture have made.
  • Established bud wood & Gene bank for fruits, integrated diseases, pests and nutrient management, use of bio-fertilizers & natural/organic farming, crop regulation and energy efficient canopy management.

  • Awards and Recognitions

  • Life time Achievements award by Indian Academy of Horticulture Science, New Delhi for 2019.
  • Awarded Indian National Science Academy visiting scientist fellowship under exchange program with Royal Society, London, UK.
  • Life Time Achievement Award for overall development of Horticulture in general and Plant Diseases Management by YSPUHF, Himalayan Phytopathological Society of India.
  • Recipient of Indian Horticulture Gold Medal in Fruit Science in the development of Horticulture.
  • Received first European Commission collaborative research project on “Sustainable Production of Apple in Asia”. In the consortium UK, Germany, Hungry, France, China and India are partners.

  • Education

  • Post Doctorate from Horticulture research international East Malling of UK in Disease forecasting.
  • Ph.D. on 1987 from Dr. YS Parmar University, Solan in Plant Pathology (Fruits).
  • M.Sc. on 1983 from HPKV, Palampur in Plant Pathology.
  • B.Sc. on 1981 from HPKV, Palampur in Specialization of Agriculture.